Expert IT leadership from Zepler’s senior team.

Not sure where your IT should be heading next? Uncertain what questions you should be asking of your IT team or suppliers?

Strategic planning & roadmaps

Compliance, Policies & Procedures

Bespoke consultation & implementation

Our Virtual IT Director (sometimes known as a vCIO) provides your business with experienced IT leaders, working closely with your business to manage your IT effectively – all without the need to hire, train and retain a senior member of staff in-house.

Senior Team:

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Mark Cornes, MEng, MIET
Co-founder & Director

Mark has been supporting IT transformation in education and business since 1997, leading up to his co-founding of Zepler Systems with John.

He helps clients plan and deliver improvements in the provision of IT services, disaster recovery, regulatory compliance and data management. Mark previously held the position of IT Director at boutique investment bank Zeus Capital and was responsible for the strategic development and implementation of IT infrastructure, services and support.

Mark graduated from the University of Southampton with Masters degree in Computer Engineering, and is a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

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John Goss MEng
Co-founder & Director

John has been designing, managing and supporting IT networks for a range of industries for the last 19 years, leading up to his co-founding of Zepler Systems with Mark at the start of 2016.

He helps clients implement secure reliable systems and leads businesses transitioning to a cloud-first approach with their IT and is hands-on with the most advanced technical projects managed by Zepler.

John graduated from the University of Southampton with a Masters degree in Computer Science and is a Microsoft Certified Professional.